Almost there

I’m in the home stretch for December. Just over a week to go. So far there have been only minor flare ups. Paranoia. Almost tore into someone at work the other day. Had to drive in an insane snowstorm early in the morning and then work with insane lawyers. Not the time to get on my case about anything.

Whack keeps getting delayed. New estimate puts it at the 27th. We’ll see if they come up with some new excuse.

Discovered the Wii sensor bar can be replaced with two candles. Now I play Zelda by candlelight.

Considering a new project, if only to let my mind play with something else for a while. Sometimes I need to go through the motions of a project to get it out of the way to do other things. Sometimes I end up with a story or a board game.

One Comment on "Almost there"

  1. monica says:

    You can do it!!! And I am breathlessly awaiting both Whack and whatever other loveliness you mind creates!!! Much love and happy holidays to you!

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